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Daniel Aleksandersen

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  • The Top Selling book on Google Play in Norway right now is on nazi ideology. 😑 I’m not for book censorship, but I’m disappointed to see “Mein Kampf” anywhere on or near a top selling list. Posted on Vivaldi Social on

  • My insulin pump is controlled through an app called “CamAPS FX”. I can never remember that name. The name I remember instead is “CamAPFS” (after the Apple File System), because I’m a huge file system nerd. Posted on Vivaldi Social on

  • They finally fixed it. I’m not sure if I’ll stick with their service, though. Their app has so many annoying pop-overs getting in the way of my music. I don’t want to do quizzes! I want to listen to music. That’s why I opened your app. Posted on Vivaldi Social on

  • The WordPress controversy really underlines the need for alternatives. They are not too big to fail, but they have definitely been too big to care for years already.(No, a static-site generator is not a WordPress alternative.) Posted on Vivaldi Social on

  • You were a good operating system, macOS 10! Posted on Vivaldi Social on

  • Have you seen all the new fancy and the schmancy stuff in the latest Snapshot (Preview)? Oh, and this version added folders to the feed reader and the new and faster sync system. vivaldi.com/blog/new-look-new- Posted on Vivaldi Social on

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